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About Me

About Me

Hi, I’m Ian Pan. Welcome to my personal website, where I mostly blog about programming stuff and nerdy things I’m interested in.

I am a software engineer at Amazon Web Services (AWS). My current focus involves writing performant C code in both Linux kernel space and user space within the AWS server architecture. This includes server microcontroller programming, kernel driver development, designing internal network card APIs, and creating firmware for the EC2 Nitro system.

I graduated from Columbia University with a master’s degree in Computer Science. During my studies, I did an internship also at AWS, where I developed a scalable generic aggregator microservice for the AWS server fleet.

Before that, I graduated from CUHK with a BSc. in Computer Science (with Honors) and a Minor in Finance. As my undergraduate thesis, I designed novel multi-armed bandit greedy algorithms and proposed dynamic pricing models. I am also a former machine learning research intern at Academia Sinica, R3 Corda blockchain software engineer intern at CryptoBLK Limited, programming instructor at First Code Academy, and EY cybersecurity competition Asia-Pacific finalist team leader.

Visit my LinkedIn profile to see more of my working experiences and academic achievements.